Friday, June 15, 2007

More excuses to PARTY!

I was able to conserve a lot of energy by drafting recruits to help blow out the candles. they volunteered with out being asked! I had a lot of fun on my birthday! how amazing it is to have an incredible family that loves each other so much! thanks guys!

Then Elise played croquet with the men!

Some Family, Friends and Roommates all teamed up to buy me a head camera to take video while participating in life threatening sports! (the camera is in the box)

It went well with our family silly string war! (birthday boy's requested activity)

Silly String is a must for any fun party!

Me, Michael, Maren, Maren's spawn (Elise, Kyle and Brenden) and Mom played safely at the park

Well i celebrated my birthday back on June 5th! I'm now 18 years old and ready to play. okay so i just turned 23, i'm still to young to slow down. so for my birthday my family and i completed numerous activities!


Anonymous said...

Very fun pics! I love how you "recruited" the help with your candles. Man, those kids are so helpful!! We're still waiting for the silly string fight video!

Thanks for the comment on the tribute to dad, it was a very nice comment. I told dad to go read it.

Unknown said...

Yea for parties. Glad joey and I could contribute the spawn for recruiting. It's our pleasure.

Anonymous said...

How cool that you have a blog too!! It looks like you have the most fun every. Man now if only I had a friend for you!! Happy Birthday, it looks like you had a blast! Now I have one more blog to read, fun!